Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Being a 4th year medical students, I spent my past 3 years learning about the pathophysiology, treatment and management of the diseases. So, I wonder why we need to learn about health system and disaster management. Why does the faculty combine the health system and disaster management in a block? Will it help us in treating the patient? Will it benefits us as future health care providers? How can it improve the current health care management? Is it significant for us to have this block?

Well, my questions are answered during the overview of the block. A health system can be defined as a set collection of components organized to accomplish a specific function in health. We, as future medical practitioners, who are included in the health system play important roles to care about the health problems of individuals, families and communities.

So, it is important to understand the health system globally, nationally and locally. We can analyze the health system in a normal situation, but it can be disturbed or even destroyed in a disaster situation. For example, the tsunami in West Sumatra and eruption of Mount Merapi have continued to present a challenge to the disaster management of the health system. Therefore, we need to understand the impact of disaster towards health care, and the principle of disaster management.

In this block, we will learn about the public health policy in various aspects and its management, quality of care, social and political aspect of health, leadership, communication, and disaster management. Of course, we must revise the topics that we learn previously, such as epidemiology, basic management principle, emergency medicine and public health science. I am very excited to learn more about Block4.2. By writing this blog, I believe it is a great opportunity for me to summarize and share my knowledge, and improve my writing skills. In conclusion, let’s have fun and enjoy the new block!!

P/s: I totally agree with Prof. dr. Laksono who made an ‘Be Punctual, No Talking and No handphone’ agreement with us during the Overview of Block 4.2. By doing this, it provides a tranquil study environment and promotes better quality and professionalism in medical student. Perhaps, that will be the first of many simple steps to improve the quality of health, by improving the quality of future doctors. J


Leonard said...

First to comment!

clemency said...

thanks leo :-) thanks for your support!!!!

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